
The Antoine Nation is proud to announce that is has completed a multi-year process of developing its own Constitution as an exercise of its inherent right to self-government, under the guidance of the Constitution Committee, the Chief and Council. The Antoine Nation held in-person and remote consultations on the Constitution with its Membership, ultimately leading to a resoundingly positive ratification vote with a voter turnout of over 50% and an absolute majority of the Antoine Nation in favour.

The Antoine Nation Constitution is the bedrock of Antoine Nation government and society.

Constitution Committee

Chief Davie Joanisse

Chief Davie Joanisse has served as Chief of the Antoine Nation for 22 years. He also serves as Algonquin Nation Representative and Land Claim Negotiator for the Antoine Nation at the Algonquins of Ontario treaty negotiation table. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Welfare from Nipissing University.

Councillor Greg Lamabe

Councillor Greg Lamabe has served as a Councillor of the Antoine Nation for 25 years. He is a certified machinist who also enjoys fishing, hunting, camping and family time.

Councillor Alex Butler

Councillor Alex Butler has served on the Antoine Nation Council for over 20 years. Woodworking is his passion. He also enjoys hunting, fishing and gardening.

Councillor Pam McElheran

Councillor Pam McElheran has worked for many years alongside Chief Joanisse and the other Councillors for the betterment of the Antoine Nation. She works as a Personal Support Worker, and enjoys the outdoors, harvesting moose, fish and wild berries for pies and jams, and creative pursuits like Indigenous crafts, painting, writing songs and poetry

Andrea Cote

Andrea Cote works with all levels of government on a regular basis as part of her position as Loan Officer with a Community Futures office in southern Ontario. She has over 20 years experience in the fields of economic development and entrepreneurship. Andrea has recently returned to the traditional territory of the Antoine Nation after several years away.

Elizabeth Moore

Liz Moore was born and raised in North Bay and has roots in Mattawa On. She presently resides in Nipissing Township on the south shore of Lake Nipissing. She retired in 2016 after a 30 year career as Postmaster with Canada Post. Liz has always been an active member in her community and has sat on numerous boards and committees. She was involved in municipal politics as municipal councillor and Deputy Mayor for three terms before retiring in 2022. Liz sat on the Antoine Nation Constitution Committee. Liz enjoys working with Chief and Council for the betterment of her Community and all Antoine Algonquins.

Deborah Moore

Dr. Deborah Moore is a retired Clinical Psychologist who has spent most of her career providing direct and consultative psychoeducational services to First Nation communities. Her special interests include literacy development for ESL and Indigenous learners. She has been an active member of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) First Nation, Inuit and Métis (FNIM) working group, and has presented literacy data at the Assembly of First Nations, in many First Nation communities throughout Canada, and at many language conferences in North and Central America. She grew up in North Bay and currently resides on Manitoulin Island.

Kimberly Robinson

Kimberly Robinson has practiced as a Social Worker for 35 years, currently working with the Children’s Aid Society for the District of Nipissing and Parry Sound as a Pregnancy Planning and Family Support Worker. She is a mother of a wonderful son, Cordell and partner to Brian. Twenty years ago she began Native hand drumming and presently leads Rainbow Drummers. Gardening is one of her passions, as is cultural sharing of traditional skills of beadwork, ribbon skirts, ribbon shirts and drum making. She also enjoys the Antoine Nation Gatherings.

Gordon Campbell

Gordon Campbell serves as legal counsel to the Antoine Nation. He has negotiated Comprehensive and Specific Indigenous claims in Ontario, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Atlantic Canada, and litigated Aboriginal rights and treaty cases as high as the Supreme Court of Canada.

Cara Wehkamp

Dr. Cara Wehkamp grew up in the Sudbury region and now resides in southern Ontario. She is the Assistant Vice-President (Indigenous Initiatives) at the University of Guelph. Her career has been focused on supporting Indigenous students and institutional initiatives aimed at reconciliation and decolonization. Cara enjoys spending time at her family home in the Antoine Nation territory with her family and Weimaraners while hiking, hunting and exploring the lakes and rivers.